What is your overall summary for the film?
“In Awe of the Shark” is a passionate plea from marine scientists all over the world to rethink the shark. Sharks are not vicious man hunters. They are sensitive, inquisitive, even playful and intelligent. Sharks have cruised the seas since the time of the dinosaurs. The oceans are delicately balanced. Take out sharks and it will tip the scales. The consequences could be devastating.
What was your inspiration for creating the film?
We had a unique opportunity to interview a collection of shark scientists at a shark symposium and wanted to give the scientists a chance to "speak out" for sharks.
What was the most challenging part of creating the film?
What was most challenging was, the blue screen work, keying in the background and doing special effects on a low budget.
What do you want to impart on your film’s viewers?
We hope to show that there are many people who love sharks and care deeply about the devastating slaughter of so many species.
What was the most enjoyable part of creating the film?
Well, filming the scientists and having time to talk to them was special. Getting the green screen backgrounds to work was fun as well.
Who (or what) is your inspiration?
The natural world is my inspiration.
How or why did you begin creating ocean-focused films?
Save Our Seas is a marine foundation and films enhance its activities.
Why did you choose to submit your film to the San Francisco Ocean Film Festival?
We attended the festival last year and were impressed.
Is this your first time participating in an ocean-focused film festival?
No - see above.
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