“Finding a Balance in Rough Waters” follows the work, challenges, and successes of Equilibrio Azul, a marine conservation organization in Ecuador. Though small, the organization works wi
th locals, eco-tourists, and the Ecuadorian government to positively impact the marine ecology and wildlife of Ecuador. Equlibrio Azul’s many pro
jects include work with and for sea turtles, sharks, whales, and sea birds. Learn more about the organization, and how you can get involved, at Program 8 of SFOFF, Saturday March 12th, 4:00 pm
What is your overall summary for the film?
The Galapagos Islands receive the bulk of global support and funding for marine conservation in Ecuador. Here is the story of a small feisty organization that’s pushing for a bigger piece of the funding pie. Through
extensive wildlife research, g
rassroots community education, and popular voluntourism opportunities, Equilibrio Azul is making ground in their important efforts to protecting key marine species (turtles, sharks, fish, birds) and their habitat, while trying to develop a more sustainability-focused local and commercial fishing industry that makes everyone happy.
What was your inspiration for creating the film?
We love to work with organizations that are truly making a difference and have a unique approach to environmental sustainability. We got the chance to partner with Equilibrio Azul and help tell their story to the rest of the world.
What was the most challenging p
art of creating the film?
There's never enough time to get all the information and footage that is necessary.
What do you want to impart on your film’s viewers?
Hopefully this film will make people examine their own footprint on the world. Even if you don't live next to an ocean, you have a large role to play in the environment's overall health.
What was the most enjoyable part of creating the film?
Getting to know Andres and his wonderful team was certainly the best part of the process. Everyone has a unique story to tell.
Who (or what) is your inspiration?
There are a large number of documentary filmmakers that inspire our work. One piece that never cea
ses to amaze me is the Planet Earth series from the BBC.
How or why did you begin creating ocean-focused films?
Most of our films are actually not ocean-focused, but we try to cover the gamut of sustainabil
ity and document enthralling projects across the globe.
What was the most memorable moment in creating the film?
Actually viewing the trash up close and personal that an animal consumes is quite a shocking experience.
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